Medical School Offers

Last updated: 18/12/2023

After medical school offers are out, you will be in one of two situations:

  1. Have received an offer (or multiple offers) of place
  2. Did not receive an offer from any medical schools

In Step Five, we advise you on what you need to consider for each scenario.

Received an offer?

Congratulations! You’ve made it.

Before we go ahead, if you’ve received multiple offers (does not apply for GEMSAS universities) and don’t have a clear favourite, you should make sure to check out the resources on Step Two: Medical Schools in Australia and NZ again before making the final decision.

In Step Five, we provide useful information for you to consider before you begin your study:

  • Financing Medical Study: Medical education is expensive, even for those not paying full tuition fees. In this section, you can find general advice on student loans or other financial support available in Australia and New Zealand. 
  • Living Costs During Your First Year: On top of the tuition fees, you will need to budget for your living costs. We provide an overview of the essential expenses that you must consider, as well as some tips and advice.

You should also check out Top Tips for Surviving Medical School provided by the Australian Medical Association (AMA).

Didn't receive an offer?

If you didn't receive an offer, we fully understand that this may be disheartening for you. However, you should remember that you can try applying again for the next intake, or alternatively you could reapply a few years later as a graduate applicant. Check out our article on how to approach reapplication for medicine and dentistry.

It's important to note that there are plenty of benefits of going through the graduate entry path (check out the section on Direct vs Graduate Medical School Entry if you haven’t already).

It's also worth remembering that some direct entry medical programmes accept a small number of students who have completed only part of a tertiary degree, so you don’t necessarily have to fully complete a degree before applying again.

If you didn't receive an offer as a graduate student and you find that your passion for medicine does not falter easily, there are a number of options available to you. You can consider studying a higher degree (e.g. Honours or Master’s), retaking the GAMSAT, or simply reapplying when the admissions open up again. Studying a higher degree will give you the time and opportunity to improve your GPA, GAMSAT, and interview capabilities. If you decide to study a higher degree, you may find that the time management skills, research experience, and analytical skills that you gain will help you considerably in your medical career.

Regardless of whether you did not receive an offer from a direct entry programme or a graduate entry programme, you may also consider Healthcare Professional Courses Other Than Medicine.

Are you interested in attending a medical school in the UK instead of Australia or New Zealand? Check out Medify’s UK Medical School Admissions Guide.

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